Application Deadline: January 21, 2020
Position Description:
PhD candidates who are currently just beyond their normal TA eligibility period are welcome to apply. Graduate students in Biology programs will be given preference.
Biology 3466B: Evolutionary Genetics (5 h per week): Main responsibilities include assisting instructor in the computer labs (10) and weekly marking lab reports. TAs may be asked to proctor final exams. A working knowledge of population genetics is essential. TAs who feel that they need a refresher are encouraged to attend the lectures (2/week, on their own time).
These positions are subject to course and section enrollment. Application deadline: 10:00 am Tuesday, January 21, 2020. Send the following information INLINE (NO ATTACHMENTS) to Tricia Gray ( via UWO email server only. Full name, local phone contact, uwo email address, current program and status, name of supervisor with contact number and email, name of grad chair (if applicable) with contact number and email, brief description of subject background and teaching experience (or equivalent) PLUS the course number(s) to which you would like to apply. Applications that do not meet the above requirements or do not have the consent of supervisor(s) will not be considered.