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GTA Position Vacancy


Application Deadline: December 13, 2019

Position Description: Graduate Teaching Assistance Positions in Applied Mathematics

A small number of Graduate Teaching Assistantships for the Winter 2020 term are open for application in the Department of Applied Mathematics, at UWO, for the following courses:

Calculus 1000A and Calculus 1301B (5, 10 hours per week) ---Introductory Calculus for Sciences. Responsibilities may include helping students in the Help Center, marking of assignments/quizzes/tests, proctoring of quizzes and exams, and/or office hours for individual student help.

Applied Math 1413 (5, 10 hours per week) --- Introductory Calculus for Engineering. Responsibilities may include running tutorial sessions, marking of assignments/quizzes/tests, proctoring of quizzes and exams, and/or office hours for individual student help.

Applied Math 1411B (5, 10 hours per week) --- Introductory Linear Algebra for Engineering. Responsibilities may include supervision of students in tutorials (requiring Matlab), marking of assignments/quizzes/tests, proctoring of quizzes and exams, and/or office hours for individual student help.

Applications should be sent to Dr Xingfu Zou at via UWO email server only. An application should

1) contain, in the subject line, ``Application for a GTA in applied math for Winter 2020 term";

2) indicate whether the applicant prefers 5 or 10 hours per week;

3) attach a brief CV which clearly shows the applicant's status in a graduate program at UWO

4) ask your supervisor to send a message, also to Dr. Xingfu Zou at, to confirm his/her approval for the applicant's application for a GTA in applied math. In his/her supporting email, he/she should enter, in the subject line, "Approving (applicant's name)'s application for a GTA in applied math for Fall 2018". If the applicant does not have a supervisor, ask the graduate chair or coordinator of the program to send such a message, confirming applicant's eligibility.

Application deadline: Friday, December 13, 2019.

Due to the nature of the courses, graduate students in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences and Faculty of Engineering programs will be given preference. Graduate students registered in graduate programs outside of pure and applied mathematics, statistics or engineering should indicate in their CV which undergraduate mathematics courses they have taken and their grades in these courses.

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