Application Deadline: July 27, 2019 Position Description: Department/Program: DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies Ext.: 81367 Fall Term 2019-2020 (September-December 2019) Two Teaching Assistant positions are available in DAN Department of Management & Organizational Studies. Teaching Assistants Positions: • Introduction to Management and Organizational Studies I (MOS 1021A/B) (Human Resource Management and Consumer Behavior) Position Description: Applicants must be knowledgeable in the fields of Human Resource Management and Consumer Behaviour. Familiarity with First Year Management and Organizational Studies content and comfort with online communication, OWL, and databases for managing marks are assets. (10 hours per week) Responsibilities may include attending weekly lectures, maintaining up-to-date lecture/course notes, addressing student questions prior to and following lectures, assisting in maintaining course web content, assisting in development/preparation of course and exam materials, researching real-world current examples of course materials, responding to student questions on OWL and via e-mail, proctoring exams and make-up exams, holding office hours and scheduling meetings with students, assisting in the preparation and marking of examinations, and reviewing exams with students. These positions are subject to course and section enrollment. Application deadline: July 27, 2019. Send an updated curriculum vitae or resume of teaching experience to Gloria Dawson ( All applications will be acknowledged; however, only potential candidates will be notified past the deadline.
